Sunday, October 31, 2010

Topic for October: The Safety of Sovereignty

I realized at the end of the month that having an introduction to the topic at hand (preferably at the beginning of the month) and why it was chosen may be helpful to the reader who may be otherwise unable to discern exactly what it is that is being written about. Bethany did well to bring me to this realization by citing a part of the prompt, but the reader was still uninformed as to the actual question for response. Henceforth, I believe it beneficial to all to publish the prompt before submission. 

The other day I was talking with Wyatt, and the thought had occurred to me that '...Security and stability are the rejection of Sovereignty and Providence.' Perhaps I read this somewhere and don't remember, or perhaps it is a synthesizing of concepts into one thought. Pertaining to this I am not entirely sure. Regardless, my thought was that in our attempts to stabilize our lives, to be financially settled, or to secure our gains in whatever form you may imagine, we take part in the process of taking power out of the hands of God (I am assuming the freedom to do so) and placing our trust in the idol made of paper. This is not intended to sway you one way or the other, but to provoke reaction, I am happy to have a contradictory viewpoint on any subject, but i think it might be helpful for understanding the question to have a little background on what provoked our asking in the first place.
What does our personal fiscal crisis (that is, our need to gain for stability) or lack thereof portray in regards to our understanding of God's power, sovereignty, and providence. In addition, what do we (Christians) do with money and the necessity to maintain and secure our goods in light of this relation? 


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