Monday, July 4, 2011

This may be beating a dead horse. . . (July topic)

These efforts to continue this blog may be in vain, as it seems to have lost its staying power somewhere at the beginning of the last semester, however, I shall post and see the results!

In observation of the United States Independence Day (that is, seeing it is upon us again), What are your thoughts concerning Church and State relations? What is the believer's responsibility in and to the state, if any? What are your thoughts on God and nationalistic fervor? On observance of national holidays in the church? Of the church's responsibility to (perhaps recognition of) veterans in the congregation? These are questions to spur the conversation forward and to test inspiration; a response for all is not required or intended.


  1. Bethany has written on a topic falling under the umbrella of discussion elsewhere, perhaps she will grace us with more thoughts.

  2. Ha! Thanks, Taylor. I was about to post that link, since I don't have the leisure to write a more direct response to your question right now. I'll keep pondering this until I return to the States.
